Users with Linux or programming experience may be more comfortable configuring and operating the console server from the command line. Only Administrators (users in the admin group) have command line access.
Eaton console servers run an embedded Linux operating system. Below are the standard Linux (and BusyBox) commands and some Eaton commands that are in the default build tree. Use these commands to configure the console server, as well as monitor and manage attached serial console and host devices:
addgroup * | Add a group or add a user to a group |
adduser * | Add a user |
agetty | alternative Linux getty |
arp | Manipulate the system ARP cache |
arping | Send ARP requests/replies |
bash | GNU Bourne-Again SHell |
busybox | Swiss army knife of embedded Linux commands |
cat * | Concatenate FILE(s) and print them to stdout |
chat | Useful for interacting with a modem connected to stdin/stdout |
chgrp * | Change group ownership |
chmod * | Change file access permissions |
chown * | Change file owner and group |
config | Eaton tool to manipulate and query the system configuration from the command line |
cp * | Copy files and directories |
date * | Print or set the system date and time |
dd * | Convert and copy a file |
deluser * | Delete user from the system |
df * | Report filesystem disk space usage |
dhcpd | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server |
discard | Network utility that listens on the discard port |
dmesg * | Print or control the kernel ring buffer |
echo * | Print the specified ARGs to stdout |
erase | Tool for erasing MTD partitions |
eraseall | Tool for erasing entire MTD partitions |
false * | Do nothing, unsuccessful |
find | Search for files |
flashw | Write data to individual flash devices |
flatfsd | Daemon to save RAM filesystems back to FLASH |
ftp | Internet file transfer program |
gen-keys | SSH key generation program |
getopt * | Parses command options |
gettyd | Getty daemon |
grep * | Print lines matching a pattern |
gunzip * | Compress or expand files |
gzip * | Compress or expand files |
hd | ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump |
hostname * | Get or set hostname or DNS domain name |
httpd | Listen for incoming HTTP requests |
hwclock | Query and set hardware clock (RTC) |
inetd | Network super-server daemon |
inetd-echo | Network echo utility |
init | Process control initialization |
ip | Show or manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels |
ipmitool | Linux IPMI manager |
iptables | Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT |
ip6tables | Administration tool for IPv6 packet filtering |
iptables-restore | Restore IP Tables |
iptables-save | Save IP Tables |
kill * | Send a signal to a process to end gracefully |
ln * | Make links between files |
login | Begin session on the system |
loopback | Eaton loopback diagnostic command |
loopback1 | Eaton loopback diagnostic command |
loopback2 | Eaton loopback diagnostic command |
loopback8 | Eaton loopback diagnostic command |
loopback16 | Eaton loopback diagnostic command |
loopback48 | Eaton loopback diagnostic command |
ls * | List directory contents |
mail | Send and receive mail |
mkdir * | Make directories |
mkfs.jffs2 | Create an MS-DOS file system under Linux |
mknod * | Make block or character special files |
more * | File perusal filter for crt viewing |
mount * | Mount a file system |
msmtp | SMTP mail client |
mv * | Move (rename) files |
nc | TCP/IP Swiss army knife |
netflash | Upgrade firmware on ucLinux platforms using the blkmem interface |
netstat | Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, etc. |
ntpd | Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon |
pgrep | Display process(es) selected by regex pattern |
pidof | Find the process ID of a running program |
ping | Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts |
ping6 | IPv6 ping |
pkill | Sends a signal to process(es) selected by regex pattern |
pmchat | Eaton command similar to the standard chat command (via portmanager) |
pmdeny | |
pminetd | |
pmloggerd | |
pmshell | Eaton command similar to the standard tip or cu but all serial port access is directed via the portmanager. |
pmusers | Eaton command to query portmanager for active user sessions |
portmanager | Eaton command that handles all serial port access |
portmap | DARPA port to RPC program number mapper |
pppd | Point-to-Point protocol daemon |
ps * | Report a snapshot of the current processes |
pwd * | Print name of current/working directory |
reboot * | Soft reboot |
rm * | Remove files or directories |
rmdir * | Remove empty directories |
routed | Show or manipulate the IP routing table |
routef | IP Route tool to flush IPv4 routes |
routel | IP Route tool to list routes |
rtacct | Applet printing /proc/net/rt_acct |
rtmon | RTnetlink listener |
scp | Secure copy (remote file copy program) |
sed * | Text stream editor |
setmac | Sets the MAC address |
setserial | Sets and reports serial port configuration |
sh | Shell |
showmac | Shows MAC address |
sleep * | Delay for a specified amount of time |
smbmnt | Helper utility for mounting SMB file systems |
smbmount | Mount an SMBFS file system |
smbumount | SMBFS umount for normal users |
snmpd | SNMP daemon |
snmptrap | Sends an SNMP notification to a manager |
sredird | RFC 2217-compliant serial port redirector |
ssh | OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program) |
ssh-keygen | Authentication key generation, management, and conversion |
sshd | OpenSSH SSH daemon |
sslwrap | Program that allows plain services to be accessed via SSL |
stty | Change and print terminal line settings |
stunnel | Universal SSL tunnel |
sync * | Flush file system buffers |
sysctl | Configure kernel parameters at runtime |
syslogd | System logging utility |
tar * | The tar archiving utility |
tc | Show traffic control settings |
tcpdump | Dump traffic on a network |
telnetd | Telnet protocol server |
tftp | Client to transfer a file from/to tftp server |
tftpd | Trivial File Transfer Protocol (tftp) server |
tip | Simple terminal emulator/cu program for connecting to modems and serial devices |
top | Provide a view of process activity in real time |
touch * | Change file timestamps |
traceroute | Print the route packets take to network host |
traceroute6 | Traceroute for IPv6 |
true * | Returns an exit code of TRUE (0) |
umount * | Unmount file systems |
uname * | Print system information |
usleep * | Delay for a specified amount of time |
vconfig * | Create and remove virtual ethernet devices |
vi * | Busybox clone of the VI text editor |
w | Show who is logged on and what they are doing |
zcat * | Identical to gunzip -c |
Commands marked with a * come from BusyBox. Others are generic Linux commands. For most commands, the -h
or --help
argument provides a brief runtime description.
Use the ls
command to view all the commands available in the /bin directory in your console server.
Eaton Custom Command Line Utilities
Some Eaton custom command line utilities are included to simplify configuration and ensure the changes are stored in the console server's flash memory.
allows manipulation and querying of the system configuration from the command line. A new configuration can be activated by running the relevant configurator, which performs the action necessary to make the configuration changes live.portmanager
provides a buffered interface to each serial port. It is supported by thepmchat
commands, which ensure all serial port access is directed via the portmanager.pmpower
is a configurable tool for manipulating remote power devices that are serially or network connected to the console server.- SDT Connector is a Java client applet that provides point-and-click SSH tunneled connections to the console server and managed devices.
For information about these commands, see the console server Owner's Manual.
Other CLI Commands
Some CLI commands are related to other open source tools embedded in the console server:
- powerman provides power management for many preconfigured remote power controller (RPC) devices. For CLI details refer to
- Network UPS Tools (NUT) provides reliable monitoring of UPS and PDU hardware and ensures safe shutdowns of connected systems (with a goal to monitor every kind of UPS and PDU). For CLI details refer to
- Nagios is a popular enterprise-class management tool that provides central monitoring of the hosts and services in distributed networks. For CLI details refer to
- The Linux kernel in the console server also supports GNU bash shell script, enabling the Administrator to embed custom scripts.
For information about these commands, see the console server Owner's Manual.
Connecting to the CLI
Administrators can log into the console server at the command line in two ways:
- Use SSH/Telnet to connect over the network.
- Make sure there is a route connecting to the console server's Ethernet port. Then, direct the terminal emulator program to this IP address. We recommend using SSH as the security protocol when connecting to (and through) console servers, particularly when connecting over the Internet or other public network.
- Connect to the local console serial port (directly or via a modem).
- If connecting directly, use a serial cable between the console server's Local/Modem port and the terminal device. Configure the serial connection of the "terminal" device/program you are using to 115200bps, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit and software (Xon-Xoff) flow control.
- To set up a dial-in connection, first activate and configure a ppp connection. Authenticated remote dial-in access can also be configured on the Network → Dial In menu.
Once connected, press Return a couple of times to log into the console server. A request for a login user name and password will appear. After you enter that information, a hash #
command line prompt appears.
The factory default login user name/password is root/default. This can be used for initial login; however, this default password should be changed and a new admin group user should be set up and used for future CLI access.
Setting Up a New Administrator User
Any Administrator can use the Serial & Network → Users & Groups menu to set up new users as members of the admin group.

Membership in the admin group provides the new user with full Administrator privileges, so they can access the console server using any of the services which have been enabled (in System → Services). If only HTTPS has been enabled, the Administrator will only be able to access the console server using HTTPS. After login, however, they can reconfigure the console server settings (for example, to enable HTTP/Telnet for future access). They can also access any of the connected Hosts or serial port devices using any of the services that have been enabled for these connections. The Administrator can reconfigure the access services for any Host or serial port, so only trusted users should have Administrator access.